Uplifting Children Through Garment Donations and Charity Sales

In September 2010, Imagemakers proudly supported the Help the Rural Child charity organisation, by donating 1,253 garments valued at R 106,505.
The garments were to be sold in the charity shops the organisation runs, with the benefit of sales going to rural children all over South Africa.
Poverty in rural South Africa is still widespread and children born into poor families often suffer from so many disadvantages such as poor health, poor diet, substandard housing, alcohol and drug abuse, inadequate parenting, lack of stimulation, and domestic violence.
These sorts of hardships can have a permanent effect on children’s life chances by inhibiting their development during those crucial early years. Without extra help and support, they may never catch up and can end up trapped in the same destructive cycle of deprivation and disadvantage as their parents.
Poverty will not go away easily. Experience has shown that if we want to eradicate poverty, then we must apply constant, sustained pressure in a variety of different ways, working with the whole family and the community.

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